Representing Clients in Custody Disputes
Virtual ‘In-House’ Seminars
Working with law firms, seminars are developed to meet the needs of the law firms. Both the duration of the seminars and the topics to be addressed are determined by the law firms. Details available upon request.
Evaluator Screening
Assistance is offered to attorneys in screening proposed evaluators. In particular, assistance can be provided in examining a practitioner’s education, training, and experience in the specialty of forensic psychology and the sub-specialty of custodial fitness evaluation.
Review Services
I am available to review reports prepared by other evaluators and to offer commentary concerning procedural matters; the selection of assessment instruments; the interpretation of assessment data; and, the degree to which opinions expressed are or are not supported by the data presented. When raw data, contemporaneously-taken notes, and documents considered by the evaluator are made available, an extensive analysis is possible.
Litigation Support Services – Unfavorable Report
If my review reveals deficiencies, and if litigation support services are desired, I will assist attorneys in preparing for trial by proposing specific questions and general areas of inquiry for use in cross-examination of the evaluator.
Expert Testimony – virtual*
If testimony is sought, and if virtual testimony is acceptable, I will offer expert testimony concerning deficiencies identified in my review of an evaluator’s work.
*A disability has made travel inadvisable. For that reason, in person testimony is no longer offered.
Litigation Support Services — Favorable Report
An advisory report in which opinions offered are supportive of your client’s position does not assure a judicial decision favorable to your client. Some experts emerge unscathed from cross-examination; some do not. Several types of assistance can be provided.
Aspects of the report that are likely to be the focus of cross-examination or likely to be the object of criticism by an opposing expert can be identified, so that pre-trial preparation can be more effectively targeted.
Specific questions can be prepared and/or areas of inquiry can be described, enabling the attorney conducting the direct examination to elicit from the friendly expert information that will serve to clarify inadequately articulated portions of the advisory report, or to supplement information that is deficient.
Specific questions can be prepared that will enable the expert to explain the nexus between reported findings and criteria that have been statutorily specified or established as pertinent in case law.
Specific questions can be prepared for use in the cross-examination of an opposing expert. If appropriate, virtual testimony can be offered in support of the evaluator’s methodology.
Note that testimony in support of the evaluator’s opinions and recommendations cannot be offered.
Answers to Frequently Asked Questions
- Services are offered to attorneys throughout the United States.
- My practice is limited to consulting. Evaluations are not performed.
- I do not offer consultative services of any kind to litigants.
- I do not assist attorneys in preparing their clients for evaluations or for testimony.