David A. Martindale, Ph.D, ABPP

Performing parenting plan evaluations (custody evaluations)

Consultation services are available to psychologists of all skill levels who are performing or preparing to perform impartial parenting plan evaluations. Novice psychologists are guided through the evaluative process from the initial contact with attorneys and litigants through testimony. Experienced psychologists may obtain assistance in their handling of particularly difficult cases. Consultation time can be applied to the one hundred hours of specialized training required of applicants for the diplomate in forensic psychology from the American Board of Forensic Psychology / American Board of Professional Psychology.

Consultation services focus on risk management strategies. Agreements and forms can be reviewed from the risk management perspective and revisions can be suggested when needed. Psychologists who are new to custody work can obtain advice in the creation and maintenance of appropriately detailed records. Psychologists with little or no experience in offering testimony can be aided in trial preparation.